本公司专业从事五金制品、弹簧制造业己有多年历史。具有现代化生产规模和先进的管理方式,可生产0.2-22mm线径的各种类型高精密度压力弹簧、拉力弹簧、扭力弹簧、异形弹簧、弹片、电池弹片、拉伸件、各类五金冲压件等,产品广泛用于,手机、电脑、电子电器、玩具、开关、按扭、五金机械、控制器、收录机、皮具等各种产品上。 公司始终坚持以质量求生存,以顾客的满意为目标,致力于回报用户和社会,聘有多名专业调试及设计人员。保证每项产品均以一流的品质满足用户需求。具有起货快,质量稳定,衷心的欢迎国内外客商与我们真诚合作,共同发展。 The company is engaged in metal products spring ras many years of manufacturing history has been with modern producton scdle and advdhced mdnagement metbods manufacturability produced by the various types of high-precion springs spring Rally Torsion Spring pressure Spring profiled Spring Shrapnel Battery shrapnel Tensile pieces various types of metal stamping barts The products are Widely used in cell phones Computer Electronics Toys Swit ches Buttons Hardware Machinery Controller Hand Leater goods and other productsThe company has always adhered to tne quality ot survival customer satitaction as the goal users and the comm unity to return Employ more than debuggiug aud design professional staff Each are guarauteed first-class quality products meet user needs Hearfelt welcome cusomers at home and adroad with our sincere cooperation Common develeopment
公司名称: |
广州市纬丰弹簧五金有限公司 |
公司类型: |
企业单位 () |
所 在 地: |
广东/广州市 |
公司规模: |
100-499人 |
注册资本: |
200万人民币 |
注册年份: |
2004 |
资料认证: |
保 证 金: |
已缴纳 0.00 元 |
经营范围: |
弹簧;五金冲压件配件;电池弹簧片;锰钢弹簧夹;电池弹簧;异形弹簧;五金冲压件;弹簧片;电池片;各类弹片 |
主营行业: |